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发布日期:2017-08-28  作者:精彩咨询  浏览次数:4167
核心提示:1: Employment freely chosenmethod1. Work is not voluntary, for example, unpaid overtime,bonded, forced or traffickedCritical 30 days Follow up 2. Workers who refuse overtimeare penalised, for example,

1: Employment freely chosen

1. Work is not voluntary, for           

example, unpaid overtime,

bonded, forced or trafficked

Critical 30 days Follow up

2. Workers who refuse overtime

are penalised, for example,

threats of dismissal, pay cuts,

demotion etc.

Critical 30 days Follow up


    3. Any involuntary prison labour. Critical 30 days Follow up


4. retention by employer or

employment agent of original

identification papers and/or

passports unless required by law

Critical 30 days Follow up

5. Workers are not allowed to

leave the facility when shifts end

Critical 30 days Follow up

6. Workers are not able to resign

from the factory

Critical 30 days Follow up

7. Workers paying deposits when

commence employment

Major 30 days Follow up

8. unreasonable delays in

payments due to workers when

they leave

Major 60 days Follow up

9. unreasonable notice

requirements or financial penalties

for leaving

Major 60 days Follow up

10. Monetary deposits, for

example, for work tools, PPE,


Major 30 days Follow up

11. Excessive monetary deposits

for accommodation

Minor 30 days Follow up

12. Complete absence of toilet

and rest breaks

Critical 30 days Follow up

13. Workers monitored when they

go to toilets

Major 30 days Follow up

14. No policy on prison labour Minor 30 days desktop

15. No free employment policy Minor 30 days desktop

16. Extended probation period Minor 90 days Follow up 

2: Freedom of association

1. Workers who wish to form or

join a trade union or worker

committee but are prevented by

management from doing so - and

there is a breach of national law

Critical 30 days Follow up

2. Workers who wish to join union

or worker committee but are

unable to do so - and there is no

breach of national law i.e. minority

of workers want to join

Major 60 days Follow up

3. There is no formal structure for

worker representation

Major 30 days Follow up

4. Failure to have works

councils/worker participation in

committees or equivalent where

a legal requirement.

Critical 30 days Follow up

5. Penalising or discriminating

workers or workers reps in any

way for seeking to join, joining,

being members of, taking part in

activities of or seeking to establish

or be represented by a trade

union or worker committee

Critical 60 days Follow up

6. Consistent refusal of facilities

for trade union activities

Critical 60 days Follow up

7. Employer interferes with union

decision making or the election or

appointment of workers


Critical 30 days Follow up

8. Employer obstructing recruitment

activities or denying unions

reasonable access for recruitment

Critical 60 days Follow up

9. Evidence of a critical

communication breakdown

between workers and employers

which may lead to serious conflict

or abuse

Critical 30 days Follow up

10. Workers reps are not

democratically elected

Major 60 days Follow up

11. Lack of regular elections for

workers reps where there is a

legal requirement

Critical 90 days Follow up

12. unequal representation of

management to workers

Major 60 days Follow up

13. Workers representatives not

given time off to meet and

address issues

Major 60 days Follow up

14. Collective agreements fail to

comply with local law

Critical 30 days Follow up

15. Collective agreements not in

writing or not available to


Major 60 days Follow up

16. Company does not comply

with collective agreement

Major 60 days Follow up

17. Workers forced to talk to

managers about sensitive issues

Major 30 days Follow up

18. No policy on Freedom of

Association and right to

Collective Bargaining

Minor 60 days desktop

19. Inadequate facilities for union


Minor 60 days desktop

20. Workers do not know who

their reps are

Minor 60 days Follow up

21. No training for worker


Minor 60 days desktop

22. No action taken on issues

raised during meetings

Minor 60 days desktop

23. No records kept from

management/worker meeting

Minor 60 days desktop

24. Lack of documentary

evidence of bargaining

Minor 60 days desktop

25. Lack of effective worker/

management engagement

Major 60 days Follow up  

3: Health and safety


1. Locked or no fire exits Critical Immediate Follow up

2. Insufficient fire exits Major 60 days Follow up

3. No fire exit signage Major 30 days desktop

4. Fire escape doors poorly

marked and/or maintained

Major 60 days desktop

5. Missing fire assembly points Minor 60 days desktop

6. Blocked aisles/exits preventing


Major 30 days desktop

7. No fire fighting equipment on


Critical 30 days Follow up

8. Fire fighting equipment

inaccessible, insufficient,

unusable of wrong type or no

training on its use

Major 60 days desktop

9. Fire extinguishers out of date Major 60 days desktop

10. Fire extinguishers installed at

the incorrect height

Minor 30 days desktop

11. No fire alarm Major 30 days desktop

12. Lack of distinctive fire alarm Major 30 days desktop

13. No evacuation procedures,

drills or training

Major 60 days desktop

14. No records of fire evacuation


Minor 60 days desktop

15. Incomplete records of fire

evacuation drills

Minor 60 days desktop

16. No, or no adequate,

functioning emergency lighting

Major 30 days desktop

17. Poor maintenance emergency


Minor 60 days desktop

18. Failure to comply with

requirements for electrical safety


Major 30 days desktop

19. Electrical wiring not

adequately encased or secured

Major 30 days desktop

20. No or inadequately

maintained equipment or

procedures to prevent explosions

Major 30 days desktop


3.2: BuILdINGS

1. Premises are not structurally


Critical Immediate Follow up

2. Premises require repairs that

affect personal safety

Major 30 days Follow up

3. Inadequate lighting in

hazardous areas

Major 60 days desktop

4. Generally inadequate lighting in

some areas

Minor 60 days desktop

5. Heating and ventilation and Air

Conditioning Systematic failures

in maintenance programme

Major 60 days Follow up

6. Heating and ventilation and Air

Conditioning - Isolated failures in

maintenance programme

Minor 90 days desktop

7. The facility lacks the permits

and certificates required

Major 90 days desktop 


1. No Health and Safety

Management Systems in place

Critical 90 days Follow up

2. Systematic failures in health

and safety systems

Major 60 days Follow up

3. No health and safety certificates Major 90 days desktop

4. Health and safety certificates


Minor 90 days desktop 


1. No or dangerous storage/disposal

facilities for hazardous chemicals

Critical 30 days Follow up

2. Storage of hazardous materials

in accommodation premises

Critical 30 days Follow up

3. Inadequate storage facilities,

disposal, labelling, training,

containment or spill kits for

hazardous chemicals or lapses in

their use

Major 60 days desktop

4. Inadequate provisions for safe

handling of hazardous chemicals

or lapses in their application

Major 30 days desktop

        5. MSdS not available Major 60 days desktop


1. Accommodation not

structurally safe

Critical Immediate Follow up

2. Production area and dormitory

area together


30 days if

unsafe 120

days if new


Follow up

3. Personal living space does not

meet legal and industrial minimum


Critical 60 days Follow up

4. Each individual does not have

own sleeping mat/bed

Major 60 days desktop

5. Personal living space and/or

sleeping areas are not separated

by gender

Major 30 days desktop

6. Living conditions are unsanitary Major 30 days desktop

7. unsafe appliances Major 30 days Follow up

8. No secure personal storage for

personal effects

Major 60 days desktop

9. Inadequate laundry facilities Minor 60 days desktop

10. Poor housekeeping Minor 30 days desktop

11. Inadequate secure storage for

personal effects

Minor 30 days desktop 

3.6: WOrkEr HEALTH

1. Clean drinking water not


Critical Immediate Follow up

2. Clean drinking water not easily


Major 30 days desktop

3. No testing of water for


Minor 30 days desktop

4. Some lapses in records of

water testing

Minor 30 days desktop

5. Factory equipment

inappropriately used, maintained

or designed that could lead to

loss of limb or life

Critical Immediate Follow up

6. Factory equipment

inappropriately used, maintained

or designed that could cause

serious injury

Major 30 days Follow up

7. Lack of regular maintenance by

appropriately trained personnel of

machines which are a potential

danger to life or health

Critical 60 days desktop

8. Workstations and work areas

are untidy creating a risk of

serious injury

Major 30 days desktop

9. Workstations and work areas

are untidy creating a risk of

moderate injury

Minor 30 days desktop

10. Slippery surfaces creating injury


Major 30 days Follow up

11. Suitable PPE not issued to

workers or not worn in hazardous


Critical 30 days desktop

12. Suitable PPE not always

issued, for example, insufficient

hearing protectors in areas where

noise exceeds recommended limits

Major 30 days desktop

13. Suitable PPE issued but not

consistently worn or maintained

Minor 30 days desktop

14. No health and safety training

for workers in hazardous areas

Critical 30 days desktop

15. Inadequate health and safety

training for workers in hazardous


Major 30 days desktop 

16. Systematic failures to provide

health and safety training for


Major 30 days desktop

17. Isolated failures to provide health

and safety training for workers

Minor 90 days desktop

18. Lack of appropriate equipment

or training for safe handling of loads

which constitute a serious risk

Major 30 days desktop

19. Lack of eye or needle guards

on sewing machines or belt guards

on machines

Major 30 days desktop

20. No wash facilities in hazardous

environments including eye wash

facility where appropriate.

Critical 30 days desktop

21. Inadequate toilet and washing

facilities and/or facilities not

separated by gender

Major 90 days desktop

22. Injuries/accidents are not recorded Major 30 days desktop

23. No appropriate medical

examinations of workers in hazardous

environments (for example, for

hearing loss because of noise)

Major 90 days desktop

24. Isolated failures to carry out

medical examinations

Minor 90 days desktop

25. No medical room was provided

for the workers

Major 30 days desktop

26. No trained first aid personnel Major 30 days desktop

27. Insufficiently trained first aid

personnel/workers do not know

who they are

Minor 60 days desktop

28. Inadequate health and safety

provision and procedures for

pregnant workers

Major 30 days desktop

29. No Health and Safety

representatives and/or Committee

Major 30 days desktop

30. No first aid kits available Critical Immediate Follow up

31. Inadequate numbers or

maintenance of first aid kits

Minor 30 days desktop

32. Inadequate provision for

hygienic food storage and


Major 30 days desktop

33. No noise assessment has

taken place

Minor 60 days desktop

34. Worker transport where

provided is unsafe or inadequate

Major 30 days Follow up

4: Child labour

1. under 15 years Critical Immediate Follow up

2. under countrys legal minimum

age but >15

Major 30 days Follow up

3. Systematic cases of evidence

of individuals age and identity

being unavailable, incomplete,

false, or not kept on personnel file

Critical 30 days Follow up

4. Isolated cases of evidence of

individuals age and identity being

unavailable, incomplete, false, or

not kept on personnel file

Major 30 days Follow up

5. Company accepts photocopy

Ids from workers without

checking originals

Major 30 days Follow up

6. Child on site but not working Major 30 days Follow up

7. Young persons hours of work

contrary to local law

Major 30 days Follow up

8. Young persons engaged in

night work

Major 30 days Follow up

9. Young persons engaged in

hazardous work

*could be critical in some cases



Immediate Follow up

10. Young workers not registered

or recorded per legal

requirements with local labour

bureau or equivalent

Major 30 days Follow up

11. No risk assessments for

young workers

Major 30 days desktop

12. No health examination for

young workers

Major 30 days Follow up

13. No recruitment policy for

young workers

Minor 30 days desktop

14. No remediation policy in place

for child workers

Minor 30 days desktop

15. Contracts for young workers

not signed by parent or legal

guardian (see Employment is Freely

Chosen re general issues on


Minor 30 days desktop

      16. No policy on child labour Minor 30 days desktop

5: Wages and benefits

1. Employees work without


Critical Immediate Follow up

2. Employees pay or piece rate

earnings below any applicable

legal minimum wage or agreed

national industry benchmark

Critical 60 days Follow up

3. O/T premiums not paid at ,

according to law or not paid for

holidays worked

Critical 60 days Follow up

4. Wages and hours could not be

verified due to inconsistent or

incomplete records

Critical* 60 days Follow up

5. Evidence of deliberate

falsification of wage and hours

records (double books)

Critical* 60 days Follow up

6. No payroll or time records Critical 60 days Follow up

7. Wages not paid on time Major 60 days Follow up

8. Legally required allowances,

bonuses or benefits are not paid

or not paid correctly

Major 60 days Follow up

9. Legally required social security

payments are not paid correctly

Major 60 days Follow up

10. No paid annual leave Major 60 days Follow up

11. Factory is using home

working, other factories, or other

locations as a way of avoiding

paying overtime premiums

Major 60 days Follow up

12. unreasonable deductions

from wages

Major 60 days Follow up

13. Isolated inconsistencies

between payroll records, payslips

and other records (poor record


Major 60 days Follow up

14. Pay slips not provided with

each payment in local language

Major 60 days Follow up

15. Workers have not been given

information, or understand how

wages are calculated

Minor 60 days Follow up

16. Failure to pay meals allowance

where a legal requirement

Major Immediate Follow up 

These issues may be downgraded to major significance if a site is able

to produce correct records. refusal or inability to show correct time and

payroll records will result in critical significance. 

6: Working hours

1. unreasonable hours i.e. total

working hours are in excess of 72

hours per week

Critical 60 days Follow up

2. Total working hours are in

between 60-72 hours or above

the legal limit whichever is lower

Major 60 days Follow up

3. Overtime hours regularly

exceed 12 hours per week or

local law, whichever is the lower

Major 60 days Follow up

4. Standard hours regularly

exceed 48 or local law, whichever

is the lower

Major 60 days Follow up

5. Isolated cases of overtime

exceeding 12 hours per week or

local law, whichever is the lower

Minor 60 days Follow up

6. Isolated cases of standard

hours exceeding 48 per week or

local law, whichever is the lower

Minor 60 days Follow up

7. regular/Systemic 7-day working Critical 60 days Follow up

8. Occasional/Isolated 7

days/week working

Major 60 days Follow up

9. Wages and hours could not be

verified due to inconsistent or

incomplete records

Critical* 60 days Follow up

10. Evidence of deliberate

falsification of wage and hours

records (double books)

Critical* 60 days Follow up

11. Isolated inconsistencies

between payroll records, payslips

and other records (poor record


Major 60 days Follow up

12. Working without correct legal


Major 60 days Follow up

13. Pregnant, younger or female

workers working illegal hours or

without prior approval from local

labour bodies

Major 60 days Follow up

14. No clear policy on overtime

working and/or policy has not

been communicated to or

understood by workers

Minor 30 days desktop

These issues may be downgraded to major significance if a site is able

to produce correct records. refusal or inability to show correct time and

payroll records will result in critical significance.


7: discrimination

1. Sexual abuse or harassment Critical Immediate Follow up

2. dismissal of Pregnant workers Critical Immediate Follow up

3. Pregnancy testing of

employees/potential recruits

Critical Immediate Follow up

4. Evidence of discrimination in

hiring, compensation, access to

training, promotion, termination or

retirement based on race, caste,

national origin, religion, age,

disability, gender, marital status,

sexual orientation, union

membership or political affiliation

Major 30 days Follow up

5. Not meeting legal requirements

on working conditions for

pregnant, post partum or lactating


Major 30 days Follow up

6. Women returning from

maternity leave not given

equivalent position and pay

Major 60 days Follow up

7. Suspicion of discrimination

no proof

Minor Immediate Follow up

8. Lack of transparency/lack of

policies on employment practices

Minor 30 days desktop

9. No policy on discrimination Minor 30 days desktop

Any findings of harassment or abuse must be dealt with immediately, but

any policy changes, or implementation of anti discrimination training may

require longer. A period of 30 -60 days is allowed for proof of change and

implementation of new policies. However all critical discrimination issues

must cease immediately. 

  8: regular employment

1. Complete absence of contracts Critical 30 days Follow up

2. Agency does not meet national

requirements as a labour provider

Critical 30 days Follow up

3. Isolated absence of contracts Major 30 days desktop

4. Copies of terms and conditions

not provided to workers

Major 30 days Follow up

5. Workers are required to sign

blank papers, resignation letters


Major Immediate Follow up

6. Absence of clear,

understandable written terms and

conditions of employment which

comply with local law and are

signed by workers

Major 30 days desktop

7. Facility imposing additional

terms or requirements on worker

after employment contract signed

Major 30 days Follow up

8. Probation periods exceeds

legally allowed period

Major 60 days Follow up

9. Subcontractor failing to meet

labour standards

Major 30 days Follow up

10. Workers are fired and rehired

to avoid paying same terms and

benefits as for permanent workers

Major 30 days Follow up

11. Workers are consistently

employed on temporary


Major 90 days Follow up

12. Agency workers not receiving

full legal and social security


Major 30 days Follow up

13. unreasonable payment of fee

to agent by the worker in own

home or host country

Major 60 days Follow up

14. Agencies are charging

workers fees which exceed

relevant legal limits

Major 30 days Follow up

15. Workers are not receiving

employment contract in home

country and/or having additional

contract when in country of work

Major 90 days Follow up

16. Contract not accurate or up

to date

Minor 30 days desktop

9: discipline

1. Any physical punishment or

sexual harassment of workers

Critical Immediate Follow up

2. Supervisors or managers

taking bribes including sexual


Critical Immediate Follow up

3. Extreme verbal abuse Critical Immediate Follow up

4. Shouting or swearing at or

other forms of verbal abuse of


Major Immediate Follow up

5. unreasonable personal body


Critical Immediate Follow up

6. No formal disciplinary or

grievance procedure

Major Immediate Follow up

7. rules and disciplinary action

not transparent and/or


Major 30 days Follow up

8. Inadequate

disciplinary/grievance procedure

Minor 30 days Follow up

9. Managers and supervisors do

not follow the disciplinary


Major 30 days Follow up

10. Failure to discipline

supervisors/ managers or fellow

workers who abuse workers

Major 30 days Follow up

11. disciplinary and grievance

procedures not communicated

to/not understood by workers

Minor 30 days Follow up

12. unreasonable policy and

practice of fining workers for

breaking rules

Major 30 days Follow up

13. Workers fined an

unreasonable amount for lateness

Major 30 days Follow up

All forms of abuse must cease immediately, but a period of 30 days is

allowed for implementing a policy against abuse







