随着 Smeta审核准入机制的变更,申请执行 Smeta审核及上传报告至 Sedex平台的政策也相应更新。现将
一、从 2018年 11月 1日起,所有 Smeta的现场审核,包括初审,年审,跟进审核(部分跟进/全部跟进),
必须上传至 SEDEX系统,并将会分别产生以下费用:
Smeta 会员的 Smeta报告上传
非 Smeta会员的 Smeta报告上传 非 Smeta会员的非 Smeta报告上传
50英镑 |
二、10 月 31 日前确定(完成付款及提供工厂 ZS#)并在 Sedex系统中的状态为“Accept”的审核,即使
实际审核的时间在 11 月 1日以后,此次审核都将不会再收取以上所述的上传费。
SGS从 2018年 11 月 1日起对以上所述上传费及 6%增值税费用均会加在审核报价的费用中,全额代收代缴
至 Sedex,不将从中盈利。我们的建议如下:
三、如果您的工厂还不是 Sedex会员 ,而审核将发生在 11 月 1日以后,报告必须上传到 Sedex,而且上传费将为 150英镑(非会员价)。所以我们建议您的工厂尽快去注册 Sedex会员并于 10月 30前提供给我们 ZS号码。
Dear Sir or Madame,
We would like to informyou about New Costs for Conducting Smeta Auditsor Uploading to SedexPlatform; Please refer to the attach for details.
From the 1st of November, all audits; Initial, Periodic, Follow up (Full/Partial) and PartialOther must be uploaded to Sedex, and will be billable once the audit is in the “Accepted” Status. As the fee structure
Smeta Report for SmetaMember Smeta Report for non-Smeta Member Non-Smeta Report uploaded to Sedex
£ 50
Audits booked and in the “Accepted” Status by 31st of October will not be billed even if the actual audit
date is on 1st of November or thereafter.
SGS will not benefit from these fees but pays the money directly to Sedex. We are treating these fees as expenses and will apply this to all quotations and invoices for auditsperformed from 1stNov. 2018 at cost.Local taxes (6% ) will applyas defined by local financial rules. |
Our suggestion:
If your site is already a Sedex member, please confirmthe audit by providing bank slip as soon as possible and ensureto provide the ZS numberbefore 30 Oct so that we can bookyour audit on Sedex before the fee is applied.
If your site is not a Sedexmember yet and there has been a Smeta auditscheduled to take placeafter 1st Nov, the report will also be requested to be uploaded to Sedex and subjectto the fees. Thus we recommend you to register yoursite as a Sedex Member and provideus the ZS numberbefore 30 Oct. |
Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
JINGCAI Supply chainAssessments and Solutions |